AABIP IP Fellows Reading List
Editors: Niral Patel, Audra Schwalk, Nikhil Meena, Robert Lee, Ali Musani, Ashutosh Sachdeva
Authors: Chris Chang, Alberto Goizueta, Walid Hadid, Enam Josan, Patrick Kosciuk, Julie Lin, Jaskaran Sethi, Michal Reid
Mentors: Sammar Alsunaid, Or Deckel, Christina MacRosty, Nagendra Madsi, Roshan Mathew, Niral Patel, Arthur Romero, Audra Schwalk, Lauren Ventola*
Revision 2022
Previous versions: 2020, 2013
The American Association for Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology (AABIP) Fellows’ Recommended Reading List was first written in April 2013. This was initially meant to be a selected list of resources for interventional pulmonary fellows to review during the 1-2 year long fellowship in advanced diagnostic bronchoscopy, pleural procedures, and therapeutic bronchoscopy procedures. At the time of initial development, there were limited resources for review and only a few textbooks that provided a comprehensive review of procedures with underlying supportive evidence. This reading list was posted on the AABIP website and freely available to anyone interested in these subjects. Since then, the field of interventional pulmonology has grown rapidly, both domestically in the United States as well as internationally. This has led to a notable increase in both the quantity and quality of literature available to trainees, as well as Pulmonologists, interested in expanding their clinical repertoire. However, this increase in literature is not equally balanced. There are more well-designed research studies than were previously available, but there are also many case reports/series and retrospective reviews. While there is a role for academic literature in all forms, it can be difficult for those without sufficient experience in these subjects to prioritize these different studies.
This update to the 2013 Reading List was meant to serve as both an update and as a spiritual successor with a more ambitious goal. Whereas the first iteration included a list of categorized references, this current iteration contains the references as well as brief summaries describing the key educational points of each article included in the list. The primary audience for this revised reading list includes: interventional pulmonary fellows, pulmonary fellows, pulmonary-critical care fellows, and practicing pulmonologists seeking to expand their expertise. Additionally, key segments of this reading list may be utilized for board review for the pulmonary boards, critical care boards, interventional pulmonary boards, and the AABIP Certificate of Advanced Qualification in Advanced Diagnostic Bronchoscopy (CAQ). Topics were distributed to the authors of each section and these individuals were responsible for performing a literature review and identifying key articles under the supervision of an experienced interventional pulmonologist. The final contributions were compiled and reviewed by volunteers and the AABIP Education Committee. All articles were published within the most recent 10 years, with exceptions being made for ground breaking/landmark articles. The articles were categorized by article type and then summarized. Landmark articles and clinical trials were summarized in a PICO format with “background” and “take home” sections. Review articles and case series were described with a summary paragraph. The updated reading list has been created with plans for updates and revisions being performed and published every two years. Future iterations will continue to have a formalized review process. The current iteration is reviewed and approved by the authors as well as the AABIP Education Committee with the fundamental goal of making this knowledge freely accessible to all interested parties.
Table of Contents
Topic Contributors:
- Chris Chang (MD Anderson), Mentor: Or Deckel (Memorial Sloan Kettering)
- Biomarker tests for lung cancer diagnosis
- Therapies for early stage or locally invasive lung cancer
- Microwave ablation
- Radiofrequency ablation
- Cryoablation
- Brachytherapy
- PAP and whole lung lavage
- Alberto Goizueta (MD Anderson), Mentor: Roshan Mathew (West Virginia University)
- Microdebrider
- Heat and other ablative therapies
- Cryotherapy
- Walid Hadid (Georgia Medical College) and Enam Josan (Ohio State University), Mentor: Lauren Ventola (Tristar Medical Group)
- Non-malignant airway disease and management
- Non-malignant tracheal stenosis
- Asthma and COPD treatments
- Bronchothermoplasty
- RejuvenAir system metered cryospray
- RheOx bronchial rheoplasty
- Karakoca balloon deobstruction procedure
- Targeted lung denervation
- Patrick Kosciuk (University of Cincinnati), Mentor: Arthur Romero (University of Nevada Las Vegas)
- General IP
- Procedure billing
- Building an IP program and downstream revenue
- Rigid bronchoscopy
- Julie Lin (MD Anderson), Mentor: Audra Schwalk (University of Texas Southwestern)
- Pleural disease
- Pleural diagnostic work-up
- Drainage methods for thoracentesis and use of manometry
- MPE guidelines
- Pleurodesis
- IPCs, chest tube and trapped lung
- IPC drainage protocols
- Chest tubes and empyema management
- Pleural imaging and closed pleural biopsy
- Medical pleuroscopy/thoracoscopy
- Pneumothorax
- Jaskaran Sethi (University of Utah), Mentor: Sammar Alsunaid (Montefiore Medical Center)
- Navigation and robotic bronchoscopy
- Tracheostomy
- Jaskaran Sethi (University of Utah), Mentor: Nagendra Madsi (Albany Medical Center)
- Tracheobronchial stents
- T-tubes
- Fistula management
- Michal Reid (Mayo Clinic), Mentor: Niral Patel (University of California Irvine)
- Surgical Lung Volume Reduction
- Bronchoscopic Lung Volume Reduction
- Anesthesia and Bronchoscopy
- Lung Nodule Management
- Michal Reid (Mayo Clinic), Mentor: Christina MacRosty (University of North Carolina)
- Bronchoscopy basics and complications
- IP emergencies and acute management (massive hemoptysis and other airway emergencies)