AABIP Annual Conference
2025 Scientific Program Committee
  • Content Track Subcommittee Chairs -- Deadline to apply Tuesday, August 6th
  • Content Track Subcommittee Members -- Deadline to apply Thursday, September 5th
Term: 1-year

The AABIP Conference provides updated scientific knowledge and research, unique networking opportunities, hands-on experience and high-yield exposure to emerging, minimally invasive diagnostic and therapeutic interventions and technologies related to the care of patients with thoracic disease.

The subcommittee members' selection will be made by the Scientific Program Committee.  The AABIP is committed to an organizational culture of excellence, equitable representation, diversity, and inclusion.  We encourage applications from physician and non-physician members representing diverse ethnicities, ages, races, nationalities, genders, specialties, and hospital settings.

DescriptionThe selected applicants will serve as Content Track Subcommittee Chairs/Co-chairs or Subcommittee Members.  Content Track Subcommittees will work under the guidance of the Scientific Program Chair/Co-Chair to develop the scientific content of the AABIP Conference.  Content Track Subcommittee Chairs/Co-chairs will be selected from this pool of applicants to lead subcommittees in this process. 

The Content Track Subcommittee Chairs will work alongside the Scientific Program Chair/Co-Chair to ensure session submissions are high-quality and represent a diversity in speakers, session type and format. The committees are anticipated to meet one to two times to review, modify and rank submitted sessions.  The chairs will meet with the Scientific Program Chair/Co-chair prior to beginning submission review and at the completion of the review process.  This is a voluntary service position.

Subcommittee Topic Themes:

  • Advanced Diagnostic Bronchoscopy
  • Airway Based Therapeutics
  • Pleural Disease
  • Medical Education
  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship 
  • Miscellaneous

Position Requirements:

  • Member of the AABIP in good standing
  • All members of the AABIP are welcome to participate as Content Track Subcommittee Members.  As such, junior members, current IP fellows, and non-physician members are encouraged to apply.

How to Apply:

To be considered, all applications must be submitted through the link below by the deadline provided.

Required Documents:

  1. Curriculum Vitae
  2. Statement of interest (300-500 words) describing your engagement and the value you can bring to the committee. Please denote the position for which you are applying.
  3. Subcommittee Topic Theme (please note that preferred subtopic theme assignment is not guaranteed).
  4. Indicate your preference of Subcommittee Member or Chair
  5. Indicate if you have previously served on the subcommittee.  If yes, have you served as a member or chair.
Deadline to apply for Chair: Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Deadline to apply for Member: Thursday, September 5, 2024

Questions or concerns, please contact:

Laura Frye at [email protected]; 2025 Scientific Program Committee Chair

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